Thursday, December 9, 2010

Snape hero or villian {Spoiler alert!!}

                 I just reread the magical book for harry potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K Rowling.
Its filled with magic,fun,adventure and secrets.  The story takes place after the tragic death of Albus Dumbldore.  The story Of the final book was full of joy they lost friends and gained new knowladge.  Even tho the balence of snapes loyaltie was going back from death eater to member of the order.  From the begining when he gave Voldermort the info on the time and day harry left to the middle when he sent the silver doe to guide harry to the sword of gryffendor.

                 Snape disliked him for many reasons including that him and Harrys dad James went to school together and Sames and Siruis would bully snape.  But Snape also hated him for snape loved Lily which turned out to be Harrys mom and Snape hated him even more since James took Lily away from him. But snape also had top help harry because of his love to Lily so he sent the silver doe to Harry which leaded him to the sword of gfryfendor.

                 But Snape also did kill Dumbledore even though he told snape to kill him because he was already old.  Even though Dumbledore knew snape worked for voldermort cause he told him to so he was a double angetn gathering info for him but when dunbledore died he became a full death eater.

                 So I ask you is Snape a hero or villan ?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ela blog #2: Repossessed by A.M.Jenkins

This was a really good book. This book takes place on a demon or "fallen angel" as he likes to be called Kiriel.  He was the demon in hell that reflected everyones grief.  He was tired of just doing that so he went to the world od the living and stole the body of a teenager that was about to get hit by a car.  He stole the body of a teen named shaun and wanted to see what life as a human was like the first thing he did which was funny to me was learn to breath.  Something which was weird was that he loved ketchup cause he was drinking it by the bottle.  He also learned that shaun was never nice to hsi little brother so he started acting nice to him even giving him shauns guitar. 
He also got shaun a girlfriend her name was Lane.  He spent most of his time with or thinking about Lane.  But in the end another demon named hanabel comes back for Kiriel and makes him get shauns body in a coma and reaturn to hell.  I found this stuoid because shaun was going to die anyway and he made shauns life better.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

1st blog post: EON Dragoneye reborn

This is a great book I really like the writing of Alison Goodman.  One thing that I think s really cool is that she makes Eona have a inner battle with herself cause she needs to be a boy.  But when the Mirrior dragon keeps saying Eona i eather think that its name is Eona or the mirror dragon will only say its true name if Enoa acepts that she is a girl.  But I wonder why the rat dragon still speaks to Eona is she isent the dragoneye or apprentice ?  I think Ryko Is really cool even though hes really big and tall hes sneak,quick and agile expesially when he killed the guard that had spotted them he pulled the knife out so fast and him the guard perfectly in the throat it was so cool. Also what i found really cool is the dragoneye powers like Lord Ido did that halushation trap on Ryko.